Tuesday, July 5

Diaper Bassinet

I was going to a baby shower recently and the mom was only asking for diapers since this is her second girl on the way. I was going to just go pick up a pack of diapers but then I ran across this idea for a diaper bassinet and knew I had to make it. 
I made a few changes but for the most part just followed her tutorial. I banded together 10 diapers with a rubber band, then I inserted a cardboard strip in into a diaper that I used as the back of the bassinet. I then opened and draped a diaper over the top to make the canopy piece, tucking it into the rubber bands on the sides.
Once I had it all assembled I wrapped a piece of lace all the way around the rubber band and held it in place with a couple squirts of hot glue.
Once that was dry I wrapped it again in a purple beaded trim I had on hand and secured it with a bit more hot glue.
I finished off the bassinet with three matching flower hair clips that I made clipped along the back, one for mommy and one for each of her girls.
It was a lot of fun to make and the mommy to be loved it, which always makes you feel good.

Linking up to:



  1. This is a fun idea that is a great alternative to a traditional diaper cake! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great job! Fab idea to clip on hair flowers!!
    Coming from the Someday Crafts linky.

  3. That is so cute. I love the hair bows, too.

  4. So Cute! Come and join our link party: http://fabricbowsandmore.blogspot.com/2011/07/link-party-no12-will-see-it-wednesday.html#more
