Friday, August 26

Decorative Clothespins

For one of the shower games we hung a clothesline above the food table and once everyone finished eating we had them close their eyes, we removed the clothesline, took it in the other room, then had everyone write down as many things as they could remember from the clothesline. Whoever remembered the most was the winner! We used clothespins to hang the clothes, so to make them a little more decorative I spruced them up with a little zebra paper. I have done this before for the kids birthday parties so that they had fun clothes pins for a clothes pin drop game and to hang pictures of Scarlett from twine in the living room.
If you want to make your own all you will need are clothes pins, decorative paper and Mod Podge.
Take your bare clothespins and trace around one so you have a template for the size you need to cut your paper out. Cut the paper into strips and then to size so they fit on your clothes pin.
Paint some Mod Podge onto the side of your clothespin, press your paper into place, let it dry a few minutes then go over the top with another layer of Mod Podge to seal your paper on. Once they are completely dry they are ready for use! You can use them for a party or everyday use. My mom was excited to use them after the party as her new chip clips.
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  1. These are so cute! I have thought about making some of these lately!

  2. So simple and cute! I need some colorful clothespins for my son's room. Thanks for the how-to! Visiting from Kojo Designs.
