Monday, July 11

No Mess Finger Painting

A few nights ago we were attempting to make dinner and the kids were going crazy, I knew it was time for an activity. I didn't want a big mess to have to clean up so I tried something a little different with our finger paints. I took a Ziploc freezer bag, put a piece of card stock inside, squirted a few globs of finger paint into the bag, zipped it shut and gave one to each of the kids. This is pretty the only way we will be finger painting from now on.
The kids were fascinated watching me set up their bags and were so excited when I handed them theirs.
Taylor squished his around with his hands and Scarlett used her fingers to trace around in the paint
I was surprised how well we the paint moves around in the bags, I had just as much fun with this as the kids did.
Once they started getting bored I pulled one last trick out and got down our cookie cutters to use as "stamps". They left perfect impressions in the paint and the kids always love playing with the cookie cutters.
When we were finished it was so easy to clean up, no mess and the kids didn't have a spot of paint on them, Yeah!

Linking up to:

Making Monday Marvelous Linky Party


  1. Nice! I wanna see the finished product!

  2. What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and link up to my Share the Wealth Wednesday Link Party! I'm your newest follower!

  3. What a cool idea Amy, I love it!! Thanks for your sweet comments about my lemonade stand, and stopping by our little ol' blog last week!! Looks like you guys are having a fun summer!

  4. this is great. When I babysit the kids always want to do a fun craft but I hate to get them messy after a shower. This is perfect :)


  5. Such a cool idea! We'll definitely be giving this a try, thanks for sharing!
