Friday, April 8

Yarn Easter Wreath

I originally saw the idea for a yarn egg wreath here, and while I just love the way hers turned out, I wanted to make one with only spiral wrapped eggs and a little extra sparkle. This isn't a super fast project to make but wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Pop in a fun movie one night (or maybe two) when the kids are down and by the end you should have yourself a beautiful wreath. If you would like to make one too, here's how I went about making mine.
 I used a 14 inch rounded edge foam wreath, 3 colors of yarn (one with shimmer in it), 2 big bags of plastic Easter eggs (I used about 45 eggs) and several sticks of hot glue.
 I found it easiest to wrap the eggs by starting at one end, adding a little glue at a time, wrapping it to the middle, cutting the yarn, then starting at the other end and wrapping it to the middle, meeting up with the other side.
 I made all my eggs before adding them to my wreath, finding it easier to add a few at a time to get them to fit as tight as possible. I then hung it with a piece of ribbon to hang from the door. I don't love the ribbon, I wish it were thicker but I already had it on hand, I'm sure I will eventually replace it.
 But what I love best about my wreath is the golden egg. I wanted it to share the reason we celebrate Easter and that is because of Jesus, it's says He is risen! and is a reminder of what He did for us.
Mark 16:1-8


  1. Super cute! I don't know where you find the time for all these fun crafts Amy!! xx

  2. i LOVE this! especially the golden egg....what a great idea!

  3. AMY!!! This is incredible! I love it.

  4. Cool idea! I really like the golden egg. :)
