Friday, October 8

Felt Case

Once a month I have started teaching a class for my sister and a small group of her home school buddies that is a mix of visual arts and home ec. This week we had our first class and we made felt carrying cases for their phones and mp3 players. We had a blast making them and it was great seeing the girls use their creative minds to create some really cute cases.
 I bought a bunch of colors of felt that is made from recycled plastic bottles and let them choose whatever colors they wanted to work with.
 We also had a slew of vintage buttons for them to embellish with if they wanted to.
 We started out by tracing around our phones and mp3 players leaving about a half inch all the way around.
 Then cut out two pieces of felt in the same size to be the front and back of our cases.
 Once we had those cut out it was time for some creative thinking. Each girl came up with completely different ideas.
 We cut out our designs and layed everything out they way we wanted it to look when they were finished.
 Then glued the pieces down using fabric glue.
 I then taught the girls how to do a blanket stitch using embroidery floss to close the sides and bottoms of our cases. If you don't know how to do a blanket stitch there are some great, easy to follow tutorials on youtube.
 Scarlett was there to supervise and keep us on task.

 The finished products.
I now want to make a case for everything, this was such a fun project.

1 comment:

  1. love this!!! i think i may have just come across my "make your own christmas gifts" idea, thanks :)
