Thursday, May 17

Memorial Day Round up

With Memorial Day coming up I thought I would share some fun ideas I have come across in case you are looking for some new ideas.
Red, White, & Blue Parfaits
Festive dessert from Better Homes and Gardens
Paper stars from Martha Stewart
Memorial day
And I love this by Homegrown Hospitality!

I am so excited summer is finally on it's way!! We have been firing up the BBQ again and I'm looking forward to trips to the beach and water park. Hope you all have a blessed weekend! Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, May 10

Glitter Shapes

We love doing projects with glitter around here so when I came across this craft I knew we had to try it! It was all stuff I already had on hand so we were good to go that afternoon!

I got out a plate for each of the kids and pour a little glue onto both. Then I let them pick out some plastic cookie cutters that they wanted to use. Scarlett picked out some fish and a giraffe and Taylor used some dinosaur ones. 
They took the cookie cutters, dipped them in the glue, then placed them on their paper. We let them sit for a few seconds so the glue could drip down onto the paper, then pulled them straight up to leave the outline of the cookie cutter.
Then they took glitter and poured it onto their shapes. They had so much fun working on their pictures and were able to do this project all by themselves which they loved.
Taylor chose to do black paper with silver glittered dinos and alligators.
Scarlett made a few pictures and had fun using all the glitters to create giraffe art, her favorite animal. I give this project two glittery thumbs up!

Tuesday, May 1

How I found my motivation to run

I came across this on Pinterest and I love it because it's exactly what I think about when I'm hurting on a run. When I first started running I hated it! What got me started was after years of watching my hubby race I really wanted to race as well, I loved the idea of running and wanted to get back in shape after having Taylor. James set up a beginners program for me and I was out with my jogging stroller several times a week but it felt like a punishment. I didn't have my head in the right place and saw it as something I had to do instead of something I was lucky to get to do. I did a few races, which I loved, but started to burn out on my training pretty quickly and eventually switched to other activities. Then after taking several months off my mind set started to change. I would be at one of James' races watching people that had every right to quit but they didn't because they wanted to be out there, they wanted to run and push themselves and that's when I realized how lucky I am that I can do this. I am in good health, live in a beautiful place and have no excuses but a bad attitude. I started running again but this time realized what a gift it is and really started loving it. Sometimes running is just plain hard but I welcome these workouts because I know these are the ones that make me stronger. I am showing my children the importance of caring for the body God gave them. I am able to do things I never thought I was capable of and that has giving me confidence. It doesn't matter how fast or slow I am, as long as I am working hard I feel stronger. I love to run now and hope that I never take it for granted again. Share with me what motivates you? I would love to hear what drives you!