Wednesday, November 30

Glitter Shoes

Apparently I have been into shoe makeovers this past week cause here's another one. We got another pair of hand me down shoes that were once black glittered shoes. Most of the glitter had worn off the toes but Scarlett still loved them because of their sparkle. To make the worthy of wearing with her Thanksgiving outfit I thought I would try to re glitter them myself. I didn't have any black glitter on hand but I did have silver which I thought would work just fine so I got my supplies together and got to work.
I first stuffed the shoes with newspaper so they would get filled with glitter. Then I covered the entire area that I wanted to glitter with a good coat of fabric glue, placed the shoes in a pie pan to catch the glitter, shook my silver glitter on, patted it in with my fingers and set them aside to dry.
 Once the glue was dry I sprayed them like crazy with hair spray and hoped they would hold up through a whole day of playing on Thanksgiving.
 Scarlett was beyond excited to put her new sparkle shoes on and was ready to show them off.
 After a day of running around playing (and many days after that) they still look great. A bit of the glitter has started to wear but I am super happy with the way they have held up.
And as always that smile makes all these projects that much more fun!

Monday, November 28

Holiday Village

Sassy Scarlett will be in historic downtown Murrieta this coming Saturday, December 3 on C Street and Washington Ave. We will be there from 10am to 6pm with our Sassy Scarlett booth selling all kinds of great hair accessories and adorable crochet beanies. My sister is the creative hands behind all the cute beanies that we will have for sale and my mom will be there along with us. Come out and get a little Christmas shopping done and show us some love, we love to see friendly faces. Then stick around for the holiday push cart parade that starts at 5pm on Washington Ave, Scarlett and Taylor will be there! Hope to see you Saturday!!

Saturday, November 26

Versatile Blogger Award

I was super excited to find that I received my first blog award this week, The Versatile Blogger, from Creative Raisins. Make sure to stop by her blog and check out all the colorful and creative things she has been working on.
Okay so here is the deal, there are 3 rules when you accept this award:
(1) Thank the person who gave you this award and make sure to link back to their blog
(2) Share 7 things about yourself
(3) Pass this award onto 7 recently discovered blogs

7 Things About Me:
1. My favorite movie is Princess Bride.
2. I have know my husband since I was 5 and he was my first crush. 
3. If I could I would have a whole farms worth of animals. 
4. I love waking up early
5. I love cheesy B movies
6. I was a vegetarian for 8 years and am still a little weird about meat eating.
7. I love Boggle and Yahtzee
I'm passing this award on to:

Monday, November 21

Princess Shoes

 I was recently given a bag of hand me downs that included these little blue shoes. They had a little wear and tear but were in good shape for the most part but they lacked flair. I had a paint pen left over from another project and decided to see how it worked on the shoes. Scarlett helped me decide what to put on them, princess crowns of course, and I got to work.
 They were so easy to do with the paint pen and we LOVE them!! I just wish I had more pairs of shoes to color on!
 And just so the back wouldn't feel naked I added little hearts to the heels.
 She was very excited to model her new kicks and threw them right on.
 Take my picture Mom!

Friday, November 18

Glow sticks

One night while the kids were going crazy from boredom, thanks to the rain, we were looking for something to do to shake things up and have some fun. I pulled out some glow sticks we had on hand, which seem to be in every dollar bin right now, and we all ran to Taylor's room to for some fun.
 We shut off all the lights, broke out the glow sticks and watched the kids in amazement. They thought they were so cool! The started dancing around the room with them and spinning them in circles and we made funny faces behind the glow of our sticks.
We kept a close eye on Taylor to make sure he didn't put one in his mouth (he never did) other then that it was a fun safe activity.
 We experimented with making different shapes and letters and had a ton of fun goofing around taking pictures.
It was a dollar well spent and a great boredom buster. I'm thinking I always need to have some on hand.

Thursday, November 10

Home is...

We recently celebrated my sister in law Jessie's birthday and I knew just what I wanted to do for her. I follow her on Pinterest and saw she had recently pinned a quote that she loved and wanted to do a painting for her of it. It's a mix of painting and decoupaging on canvas and I'm really happy with the way it turned out. She lit up when I gave it to her which makes it all the more worthwhile to make someone something.
It's fairly large, so instead of trying to wrap it I just tied a ribbon around it and attached a felt heart that I cut out. Projects like these are so much fun! 
Happy birthday Jessie!!

Monday, November 7

Craft Fair Table

My first craft fair is behind me and I'm hooked! It had a low turn out but I learned a lot, made a small profit and had a ton of fun. My table turned out pretty decent considering I had one week to prep for it and now I have a base to build on. My mom came along to keep me company and we had a great time mingling with the other vendors and doing a little shopping. Here are a few pictures of my table set up and goods.